Summer Day Conference on Coercion, Law and Healthcare
Our Summer Day Conference on Coercion, Law and Healthcare: Ethical and Social Perspectives will be held on Saturday 24 June in the Terrace Gallery of the Museum of London.
Speakers include Professor Tom Pink, Professor Jan-Willem van der Rijt and Professor Willem Lemmens. Topics include the role of the State in regard to coercion, justified and unjustified coercion in a medical context, consent and coercion in regard to euthanasia practice in Belgium, reproductive coercion, and coercion of medical conscientious objectors.
The conference will be held from 9.20 to 5.10 (registration from 9.00). Lunch and refreshments are included in the conference fee of £25 plus Eventbrite charge. To book your place, go to Eventbrite. Free places are available for students – please email